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Role: Producer

I worked with two other designers to create Rebound. Although my official title was "Producer", each team member contributed to the project's design. I prototyped the visual mechanic for Rebound and worked with our level designer to create levels. I also tracked the team's progress and tasks during the production of the game.

The Prototype

While trying to decide what our game should be, I prototyped the primary concept of our game: the unique way the player explores the world. With the prototype, I wanted to illustrate objects only using particles. After the prototype was created, the team decided to expand on the idea.

The Level Tool

For development, I created a tool that our level designer used to create levels. In Adobe Photoshop, our level designer would color pixels in a template file. The level generator could then make a level using the pixels in the Photoshop file, as well as colors and prefabs in the Unity editor.

The To-Do List

As the producer of the project, I helped team members manage priorities and deadlines between class due dates. I maintained the project's to-do list and monitored the team's progress.


This game was created during the spring of my sophomore year at Bradley University for the Game Production 1 course. There were three team members and we had from February until May to complete the project. For this project, we were required to create a 2D game.

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